
Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Since my half-marathon on Saturday (Yay, first one! Recap here), I've been "rungry." I figured I would be really hungry the day after the race, but I didn't think the constant hunger would last so long. Now that I'm planning to keep training and run a marathon, I can only imagine how much more hungry I'll become! Any advice for a first-time marathoner? Since I have a history of injury when I increase my mileage, I'm going to take it slow and try to cross-train a couple times a week. Oh, and try out some yoga and pilates.

I was able to stay home yesterday so I'm going to share yesterday's eats and some food prep for the week. One of the reasons I started this blog was to document my experiences as a new vegan cook. It's been so cool to see how far I've come in my cooking skills and how many new ingredients I've tried for the first time. And yesterday marked a big event...vegan cheese! I always hoped I'd become good enough at the vegan cooking basics so I could start branching out to things like dairy-free cheese and faux meat and yesterday it happened! Even if you aren't vegan, this cheese recipe from Vedged Out is amazing. I'm excited to see what Brett thinks when he get's home from his work trip and tries it out.

So without further ado...

Overnight buckwheat groats, oats and chia seed parfait with strawberries
I soaked 1/4 cup buckwheat groats in water overnight
In a separate mason jar I soaked 1 tablespoon of chia seeds, 1/4 cup oats, 2/3 cup almond milk, 1 tablespoon cocoa powder and 1/2 smashed banana
In the morning I rinsed the groats in a strainer and mixed them in with the chia/oat mixture and layered it with strawberries.

Morning snack:
1/2 of a homemade lara bar

A whole wheat tortilla with a small sweet potato, black beans, sauteed bok choy and tomato

Afternoon Snacks and Meal Prep:
I made this Cheesy Vegan Spaghetti Squash and Broccoli Casserole and ate some for a snack
It was my first time using spaghetti squash and I'm hooked!

Vegan Cheese!
I made this recipe from Vedgedout and I will definitely be making it again
I had some of it with some pretzels

I ate some baby carrots before heading out to my work Christmas party.
I didn't take any pictures there, but I had salad and a vegan dish of puff pastry dough filled with rice and veggies. It was delicious!

Peas and Crayons

And that's it! Check out some other eats and get new recipe ideas over at Jenn's website: PeasandCrayons. Have a great rest of your week!

Eat Consciously,


  1. Soooo happy I found your blog through WIAW! Your eats are amazing, I'm jealous! Now I'm off to go read all your other posts :) especially the half recap!

    1. Thanks Leigha! You're so encouraging. It's nice to know someone is reading! I hope you find some things to try:)

  2. OMG you look so happy running...I LOVE IT :)

    I have found that to combat being "rungry" I eat a very substantial meal right after a race, and then another larger meal about to hours later. This helps refeed my body for sure! I also add a little bit more fats and protein for more substantial meals. Recovery is super important, and I have found that increasing my food even when I'm not hungry right after races helps to normalize my diet quicker.

    I find that pizza is my favorite recovery meal. And I'm talking to good gourmet style stuff :)

    I remember my first half marathon it literally KILLED my appetite and I didn't really eat much right after it, wellll the next two days I pretty much ate everything in sight, so I learned to eat up after a race NO MATTER WHAT!

    I hope this helps a bit :)

    1. Thanks for the advice! I ate a big post meal breakfast, but then really only had smaller meals/snacks the rest of the day because I just wasn't that hungry. I'll definitely try to eat a bigger dinner next time, even if i'm not really hungry.



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